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UV unit MBS-6


Greater energy efficiency has long topped the list of our development goals

The MBS-6 system, for example, requires a lamp output of just 120 W/cm in order to achieve the same drying results as standard UV units which require up to 200 W/cm. This has primarily been achieved through the optimisation of individual components such as reflectors, lamps and electronic components.

The standard features of the MBS-6 UV system with ELC®.electronic power supply device offer further potential for saving energy.


The energy saved has a direct influence on electricity bills, as the following example shows:


Basis for calculation:

8printing units, lamp length 450 mm, production hours/year (2-shift operation) 3,000 h, price of electricity: 0,12 €/kWh






For further Information our expert Joachim Hildebrandt is available to you. Please contact him!

Our MBS-6 brochure you can order here for free!